Paramedics have been transitioning into enhanced and advanced practice roles within General Practice for several years. Increased pressure and demand on primary care services have been a catalyst for more opportunities for Paramedics to work in this environment.
Within Suffolk and North East Essex, Paramedics are an already established workforce in General Practice and are increasingly supporting PCN’s to change their care models to best treat their patients. The models are varied, but mainly include carrying out home visits and seeing acutely unwell patients.
“Paramedics have so many complementary skills and in primary care there are many areas where paramedics can compliment the rest of the primary care team, not least acute care, but also, domiciliary visiting and follow up the same day that may well enable patients to stay in their own homes rather than being sent to hospital…”
Professor Simon Gregory, Health Education England
Role Responsibilities:
- work as part of the practice team providing care in a variety of clinical and nonclinical settings including residential care homes, patients’ homes, and other settings as necessary
- Deliver a high standard of patient care as an advanced paramedic using advanced autonomous practice with a broad base of theoretical knowledge
- Manage on a day-to-day basis a clinical case load (Including triage, telephone triage, diagnosis, treatment, referral and review or discharge) using a wide range of advanced skills and expert knowledge for patients presenting with undifferentiated and on diagnosed conditions
- Work in accordance with the health & care professionals council (HCPC)standards
- They work collaboratively with the General Practice team to meet patient needs.
- paramedics are also able to mentor and supervise students from a range of health and social care backgrounds.
Entry Requirements
- To have successfully completed an approved qualification in paramedic science – The College of Paramedics (CoP) states that, from 2021 onward, all paramedics should have a BSc (Hons).
- Must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
- Five years post registration
Training and development
Mandatory Training
See above entry requirements
Standard Training (on entry to primary care)
If a paramedic is employed under ARRS, they will need to complete stage 1 & 2 of the First Contact Practitioner (FCP) Roadmap as outlined by NHS England (NHSE), within the first 12-18 months of commencing the role.
First Contact Practitioner Recognition:
FCP roles began with the development of the FCP Physiotherapist in 2014, in response to the shortage of GPs in Primary Care. FCP roles are designed to support GPs as part of an integrated care team and to optimise the patient care pathway by seeing the right person in the right place at the right time.
To create sustainability for multi-professional FCP roles, there is a need to build a clear national Primary Care training pathway for clinicians moving into FCP roles and then onto Advanced Practitioner roles. Therefore the NHSE ‘Roadmaps to Practice’ were published to support educational pathways for clinicians
Please find below links to significant documents which will help service providers, managers and Paramedics themselves to identify what training, qualifications and competencies they should have to safely and effectively practice at first contact practitioner levels.
Musculoskeletal (2018) | Skills for Health
Paramedic Specialist in Primary and Urgent Care Core Capabilities Framework.pdf (hee.nhs.uk)
Working alongside the ‘First Contact Practitioners AND Advanced Practitioners in Primary care (Paramedic); Roadmap to practice (link above), FCPs must have completed both stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Roadmap to gain recognised First Contact Practitioner MSK status.
- The Paramedic can be seen as a ‘trainee FCP’ until full FCP recognition is gained.
- At present there are 2 main educational pathways by which one can train to be a First Contact Paramedic;
- Via an FCP portfolio completely
- Via portfolio with taught routes via HEI’s.
There are two stages to First Contract Practitioner recognition
Stage 1: Preferably, must be completed with a portfolio of evidence and verified before employment in Primary Care. The KSA must be completed prior to employment as a FCP or AP in Primary Care to assure patient safety. For clinicians already working in primary care this can be completed retrospectively.
Stage 2: Is completed with a portfolio of evidence and verified in Primary Care. This is the recognition process of the application of the KSA in Stage 1 to clinical practice in Primary Care. Best practice is that this should be completed within 6 – 12 months for a full-time member of staff but this can be longer provided a completion date is agreed with the employer.
‘Trainee’ FCP’s are advised to keep a folder of evidence ready to submit in the final stages of their pathway.
Education providers
There are education providers across the UK that are successfully running Paramedic FCP taught modules. NHSE has also provided funding support for applicants to attend these modules. All the providers have committed to taking learners from outside the region that they are based.
Please see information and links below to each provider for further information. If you are looking to enquire about an FCP taught module, please contact the education provider directly to discuss your individual requirements.
Additional Training Opportunities
As paramedics progress along their educational pathway, their scope of practice within the general practice teams will advance, and this can be further enhanced through the completion of additional training.
Advanced Practice Recognition
Please see link to the SNEE TH Advanced Practice page for full information on Advanced Practice
Supervision requirements
Supervision is a process of professional learning and development that enables individuals to reflect on and develop their knowledge, skills and competence, through regular support from another professional.
Supervision can have different forms and functions and a number of terms are used to describe these. For this guidance we use the below terms and define them as follows:
- Clinic/practice supervision: day-to-day support provided by a named/duty senior/more experienced clinician for issues arising in the practice.
- Clinical/professional supervision: regular support from a named senior/experienced clinician/practitioner to promote high clinical standards and develop professional expertise.
- Educational supervision: supports learning and enables learners to achieve proficiency.
It is recommended that Paramedics have access to appropriate clinical supervision and an appropriate named individual in the PCN to provide general advice and support on a day-to-day basis. This would typically be more senior/experienced paramedic but may be another registered health care professional as appropriate. Recommended minimum frequency of a 1 hour supervision meeting is monthly. Whilst an FCP trainee, it is recommended that daily debriefs/reflection time is also supported.
Supervision Guidance for primary care network multidisciplinary teams (NHSE, 2023)
Clinical and Education supervisors have an integral role to support learners through the FCP Recognition process and to provide assurance that the practitioner has demonstrated the knowledge, skills and attributes required to work in a FCP role in primary care. One of their key roles is to review a learner’s portfolio of evidence and decide whether the individual has met the requirements of an appropriate FCP Roadmap.
For both the FCP Supported Portfolio and FCP Taught routes, Clinical and Education supervisors will work with an education provider, as part of the institution’s quality assurance processes, to support the learner to meet the appropriate level 7 learning outcomes of the applicable FCP Roadmap. Supervisors will sign-off the portfolio of evidence on successful completion.
The route to becoming a supervisor for FCP recognition and training has recently been updated. Please see the NHSE ‘First Contact Practice FAQ’s’ page here for the latest updates on the process.
For further information please see the NHSE Roadmap landing page.
AFC Band 7/8a
100% of actual salary plus defined on costs covered via ARRS Scheme.
Training and Development Funding

Paramedics may be entitled to wider NHSE commissioned funding to support their training and development requirements. Please contact the training hub for more information on this.
Recruitment Information
Where a PCN employs or engages a Paramedic under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, the PCN must ensure that the Paramedic meets the ‘Minimum Role Requirements’ stipulated in Annex B of the Network DES
Please find various resources in this section to assist in the recruitment and embedding of theParamedic role in General Practice.
Recruitment Resources
Additional resources
Paramedic Peer Support Network
The SNEE Training Hub launched the Suffolk and North East Essex Paramedic Peer support network in March 2024. This support network aims to provide paramedics working out in General Practice across SNEE a place to connect, whilst offering extra opportunities for CPD.
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