
The aim of this is to provide staff within the ICB training plan (applicable to the Suffolk footprint only), for information regarding the current safeguarding children and adult agenda and enable the opportunity for personal learning and reflection on safeguarding practice.  This document replaces any previous publications.

To protect children and young people (CYP) and adults from harm, and help improve their wellbeing, all healthcare staff must have the competencies to recognise maltreatment, opportunities to improve wellbeing, and to take effective action as appropriate to their role. The competencies therefore relate to an individual’s role not their job title and apply to all staff delivering, or working in settings which provide healthcare.

C&YP are those who have not yet reached their 18th birthday and includes the unborn child:

(Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff 2019).

For adults, this is a person over the age of 18 yrs:

Training requirements for Primary Care:

This guidance has been developed in line with all the above guidance to support health professionals fulfil their statutory training requirements.

The competency framework within each of the above documents identifies five levels of competence, and gives examples of groups that fall within each of these levels, with each level building upon the competencies, knowledge and skills of the proceeding levels.      

It is recommended that staff use the personal learning prompts, short PowerPoint presentations and links to e-learning packages, to reflect on your safeguarding practice- this can be via discussion with their line manager and 1-1s or via production of a short reflective piece that would also be of use for staff who are required to provide reflection for NMC revalidation etc.

This will contribute to and supplement the learning requirements for staff who require a minimum 16 hours of learning at Level 3 over a 3 year period. See the document above for training requirements if new to service or SG lead.

(This can include face-to-face taught sessions, e-learning, clinical case discussion at supervision, personal reflection and attendance at external events- Intercollegiate Document 2019).

In order to be signed off as compliant at level 3, staff will be asked to complete a self-declaration of learning statement found at the foot of this document. Please use ESR or portfolio entry to record your learning.

Face to face level 3 training from the ICB Safeguarding team (to be completed when new in post and at least every 3 years thereafter)

The ICB safeguarding team offer a 2 hour joint adult and children’s local update via Microsoft teams which you are expected to complete at least every 3 years once you have completed your level 3 e learning packages.  These will be an opportunity to hear about local issues and cases, go through the local referral process and ask any questions you may have. 

Dates for these sessions and booking details will be advertised in the ICB safeguarding monthly bulletin which is sent to all surgeries. For further details see our resource; Face to face level 3 training from the SNEE ICB Safeguarding team | Suffolk & North East Essex Training Hub (

In addition there are now monthly ‘Munch & Learn’ 1 hour sessions for any health professionals working within Primary Care, this includes admin, social prescribers, pharmacists and all clinical staff.  Information in the monthly safeguarding bulletin.

Useful Links

E- Learning Safeguarding Children Training

There are currently a range of free e-learning packages available to staff to help achieve the level 3 safeguarding children competency requirements.

Information about accredited training and education programmes including links to e-learning can be found at, www.e-lfh.

Below is an example of those easily accessible:

  • – Safeguarding Children and Young People Level 3 covers a wide range of topics including management of sudden or unexpected death in childhood, parental risk factors, unexplained injuries, neglect in a disabled child, fabricated and induced illness and adolescents presenting with suspected sexual assault. These seven sessions have been created for all clinical staff working with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or young person and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding/child protection concerns
  • – 90 minutes of level 3 learning on FGM – Home Office training.
  • – Level 3 training focusing on Child Sexual Exploitation

E- Learning Safeguarding Adult Training

  • Explore professional safeguarding approaches to protect adults at risk  This course contributes towards the achievement of Level 3 Safeguarding competencies, as set out in Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and Competencies.  On this course, you’ll build the skills to ensure people at risk of abuse and neglect receive the care and protection they need to stay safe and unharmed.  You’ll explore safeguarding in a professional context and learn how to appropriately share information on safeguarding concerns in writing and in meetings.  You’ll also reflect on the complexity of the role of supervision in safeguarding and learn ways to overcome safeguarding challenges.
  • Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) – Home

Self-Led Learning and Reflective Practice Opportunities

The Intercollegiate Document (2019) identifies the role that reflection, self-led learning and supervision can play in achieving the desired Level 3 learning outcomes and competencies.

 ‘Hot Topic’ presentations that staff can work through independently that encourage self-reflection and discussions with managers at 1-1s etc are often found through e-learning for health, Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership Board, Suffolk CPD online and BlueStream. However, see below for other options.

There are monthly bulletins sent to your Practice managers and these too provide opportunities.

Monthly ‘Munch & Learn’ sessions

Munch & Learn sessions are being held monthly and will focus on different hot topics across child and adult safeguarding in Primary Care, they will be open to ALL Primary Care staff.  See monthly bulletin ‘training’ section for details

Meet the MASH

Currently being delivered via Microsoft teams as part of the Suffolk ICB Safeguarding Teams ‘Munch & Learn’ sessions – see monthly bulletin for dates.

ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences

TED TALK: Nadine Harris-Burke (ACE’s)

Adverse Childhood Experiences UK

Activity: When a new patient registers at your surgery, do you ask about ACE’s, what impact has it had or would have if you asked these questions?


Profound- What is Prevent


What is County Lines?

CSE: What is child sexual exploitation?

MCA and DOLS training

Please note MCA and DOLS should not be seen as solely about safeguarding.  It is every professional’s duty and responsibility to consider this in all patient contacts.

Reflective Practice upon learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Safeguarding Adult Reviews

As part of your blended learning you may find it beneficial to write a short reflection discussing the importance of encouraging engagement with hard to reach patients and capturing the voice of the individual. If you are a deputy safeguarding lead and you do not work directly with children or adults, you may need to consider how you ensure you identify any needs of children or adults within their care networks that you support.

Please see the links to local reviews for both children and adults.

Child safeguarding practice reviews –

Adult safeguarding reviews –

Further opportunities for reflection:

The royal college of GP’s, has some useful scenarios for discussion and reflection

Child was not brought to appointment –

For adults:

Record Keeping for Primary Care Staff

A short video to help promote effective safeguarding and record keeping practice:

A 5 minute RCGP video which demonstrates good safeguarding practice for the whole primary care team

And this is a link to the RCGP guidance on recording and read coding safeguarding information