Nurse Preceptorships/Fellowships


Introduction for prospective scheme participants

All General Practitioners (GPs) and nurses who qualified within the last 12 months and hold – or are about to hold – a substantive salaried or partnership role are entitled to a place on the national General Practice Fellowship programme developed by NHS England and NHS Improvement.

The nursing programme is a two-year scheme designed to support newly qualified nurses (qualified within the last 12 months) in their early career as they become an embedded part of the primary care team in the Primary Care Network (PCN).  New to practice nurses are also invited to participate. Through the scheme, their employer receives payment equivalent to one session per week (pro-rata) to support their release to participate in scheme activities. These activities are listed against three themes: Support and Networking, Learning and Development and PCN Rotational Working. 

The nursing associate programme is 12 months duration aimed to support wellbeing and enable networking, learning and development. 

As of 31st march 2024 the National Fellowship Programme is closed to new applications. The SNEE Training hub will continue to support Nursing and Nursing Associates on their 12 month Preceptorship Programme. This programme was recently awarded IQM Quality Mark for National Preceptorship for Nursing from NHS England.

For further information on the IQM Quality Mark please read more from our Success Stories

Enrolment Form

What To Expect

Example of teaching for a Nurse in their 1st Year

Year one training sessions: 2nd Thursday of the month 13:00 – 16:30 hrsDate
Training session: Resilience and wellbeing  Practice skills support: Staying well at work: MOT4U Jan
Training session: Contraception and sexual health Practice skills support: Contraception and sexual healthFeb
Training session: Travel  Practice skills support: Experiences of Travel immunisationsMar
Training session: Clinical supervision    Practice skills support Clinical supervision Try and feed in transitionApr
Training session: Quality improvement & Audits  Practice skills support: Wound and skin care May 
Training session: Leadership & Practice management skills Practice skills support: Speaking up Jun
Training session: Mental Health in Primary Care Practice skills support: Mental Health  Jul
Training session: Remote working and group consultations  Practice skills support: Record keeping, Professionalism and Revalidation Aug
Training session: Population health & Prevention  Practice skills support: Student supervision and assessor training Sep 
Training session: Motivational Interviewing  Practice skills support: CommunicationOct
Training session: Diabetes  Practice skills support: DiabetesNov
Training session: Respiratory  Practice skills support: RespiratoryDec
Please note session Topics could change/move, due to speaker availability.


For further information please see the NHS England National Guidance

If you wish to Contact Us please email; [email protected]

Sally Moy
GPN Practice Education Facilitator